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Google is making an AI tool that offers Personal Life Advice to People

Ai tool for life advice

Google is testing an AI assistant that’s dedicated to provide life advices like a personal coach, answering to intimate questions and also tutors people, according to reports.

The commence of artificial intelligence platforms like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and GPT-powered Bing pulled Google inside the race track to build better AI models. Google has been restlessly rolling out new AI tools and features, starting from its search-engine’s SGE, Maps, Gmail to android and even more. Google currently is working on generative-AI to perform at least 21 different types of personal and professional tasks like planning, note-taking, ideas, news-writing, medical queries, and so on, reports NY Times.

The recently reported tool is this life advice-suggesting AI model, that the firm is now testing. Google employs ‘Scale AI’, a US-based startup working in the field of AI, to test its AI models.

AI tool for Life Advices

Google, in response to ChatGPT, that became the talk of the world after its release, got its nerves and urged its employees to focus on AI, in order to entitle itself in the realm of generative AI too. Dozens of AI models from Google have been rolling out and this life-advice providing assistant is one among them.

The workers of Scale AI are seen testing the assistant’s ability to answer intimate questions about challenges and queries in people’s lives.

The AI assistant could understand the inputs and provide delicate ideas or appropriate answers based on various life situations. It also provides a tutoring function, where it would teach new skills or improve existing ones, like how to progress as an athlete. By giving certain valid inputs, it could fetch you schedules or helps you in planning stuffs like budget planning or workout plans, thus being your personal coach or mentor. The AI is much similar to the GitaGPT, a ChatGPT-powered AI chatbot that offers life advices from India’s famous Bhagavad Gita.

An example of an ideal prompt for the life-advising AI tool: “I have a really close friend who is getting married this winter. She was my college roommate and a bridesmaid at my wedding. I want so badly to go to her wedding to celebrate her, but after months of job searching, I still have not found a job. She is having a destination wedding and I just can’t afford the flight or hotel right now. How do I tell her that I won’t be able to come?”

Safety Concerns

Google is very cautious on unleashing AI tools, as the firm’s AI safety experts warned of the dangers of people becoming too emotionally attached to chatbots. The AI safety experts of Google had said in December 2022 that users could experience “diminished health and well-being” and a “loss of agency” if they took life advice from AI. The AI tool would not reach the market, until and unless Google evaluates and feels that the tool is benign to people. It might also formulate guidelines and make it experimental before availing to whole public, as it did with Bard.

A Google DeepMind spokeswoman said “we have long worked with a variety of partners to evaluate our research and products across Google, which is a critical step in building safe and helpful technology. At any time, there are many such evaluations ongoing. Isolated samples of evaluation data are not representative of our product road map.”

(For more such interesting informational, technology and innovation stuffs, keep reading The Inner Detail).

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