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Future Demands in Education & Students

Today’s world is all seated with none but innovations and improvements in all sectors. These innovations and improvements if eagle-eyed, directly points the arrow to education and information. The vitality of these two are immense, as in the sense, it’s the key to financial freedom and economic growth of the country.

Education is that alpha matter that uplifted Americans through the economic crisis in 1930s, by the start of “High school movement” in 20th century and the Japanese after the World War II.

The need of the education for all is indexed as a global movement, called as ‘Education for All (EFA)’ by the UNESCO and the goal is to suffice the entire global population with education, especially in the eastern & southern Africa.

Education – Prevailing:

The present medium of education is advanced to an extent if compared with the past 20 years. The technological prevalence in this sector aided greatly through e-learning and self-learning via internet. This is profoundly seen during the virus pandemic, as the institutions started teaching via apps like Zoom & Google meet.

While if it is so, if the sector had improved through technology over years, the ultimate result of it, ‘the employment’ should have also been drifted high, but the reality shutters. The employment rate hardly rises up 70% in all countries, but few does. In fact, U.S has the rate to 60% and India has just 46.3% in 2018, reports of OECD says.
India faces a drastic 18.6 million of its population as jobless and had 393.7 million people working in poor-vulnerable jobs, as per Pew reports.
What had made the scenario so? Does the knowledge is not adequate or the education is not met with its end-demand? If so, what it demands?

Education – Demands:

The Demands of the Education and its successors is interpreted by, ‘What the World and the Fortune companies actually need?’. Tim Cook, CEO of Apple stated that Apple won’t hire employees preferring certificates, but skills. The outbreak of this and the same by top companies like Google, Adobe and Netflix, pushed the dooming mind out of the box to explore the essential skills wanted by the World and the companies.

One may have a 4-year professional degree-paper and even more and could be unfit for employment, if failed to pursue what the world actually needs. That’s what companies emphasize too.
Henceforth, the Education must be a tool to get the students for preparing them to be skill-oriented too, inspite of knowledge-orienting. Half of the Apple’s US employees last year was non-degree holders, Tim Cook added. He says, there is a mismatch between “what is taught in colleges and what is needed by the business”.
Education had raised its media of delivering, but not its standard. To fulfil the world and business’s need, colleges & education must focus on raising its standards by introducing the trending skills & future technologies in the curriculum.

How to meet the Demands?

Educational ethics that was 20 years back is still in vogue of the world. While the techs and innovations are improvising over years, education is seen stint and the plight had made only the riches to acknowledge the current techs. The shots for adhering the demands are listed below:

  • Well, the education in most of the countries are governmental and influenced by the autocracy. In fact, private colleges do follow the curriculum imposed by the government. Inasmuch as to enrich the quality, government must overhaul the curriculum to the needs of the present. Veritably for instance, 4000 schools in US adopt Apple’s curriculum, Cook says. Apple besides, launched ‘Everyone Can Code Program’, in motive to help the schoolings to learn coding.
  • The 4-year professional credentials should be precise on the realm, making the students to be the master of the sea than to be the serf of the ocean.
  • The foremost reason for unemployment is the lack of vocational skills and the inability to bring into play the knowledge acquired. Students nowadays are pooled with competent knowledge but they eventually are short of the skills to apply the knowledge.
  • The unparalleled way to outlive this is by practice of exploiting the knowledge to the reality and suffice to as much vocational education. For instance, students must be industrial toured often and manifested with the industrial applications; Weightage ought to be preferred equally between theory and the practical. Indeed, they requisite hands-on practice about the theory studied.
  • In this way, we can match the mismatch of the education and the business. Also, studies recite that vocational education are fruitful than the general education in most of the countries including Germany, Denmark and Switzerland.

Read more about: ‘Modern and Traditional Education’ <=> here!


While vocational education is looming over the general education, the survey taken over the eleven countries chant that in the aspect of earning, the vocational are preferably paid more at the start while the generals are paid more preferably at above 40 years. This reasons the general education students to be not adequately skilled and their learning phase of the industrial skills happens after their recruitment, leading to be paid less at the start than vocational.
To conclude, if and unless Educational curriculum is upgraded to the needs and wants of the industries, campaign is bargained. The simple idea is to affix vocational to the traditional, so that the requisites are balanced. Let’s all hope for the best!

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  1. Pingback: Should You really need a Master degree? When, Why, What? – The Inner Detail

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