What is Web of Things (WoT)? & how it relates to IoT?
Web of Things is a set of standards concluded by the world wide web consortium (W3C), that encounters the interoperability, fragmentation and usability of the Internet of Things (IoT).
Web of Things is a set of standards concluded by the world wide web consortium (W3C), that encounters the interoperability, fragmentation and usability of the Internet of Things (IoT).
What is IoT? Internet of Things is an inter-connected network of devices or machines, that able to share data and communications to & from internet without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. All physical devices starting as small as light lamp to big as jets can be included as IoT, if it’s connected to the internet. …
Everything you need to know about “Internet of Things (IoT)” Read More »
What is 5G? 5G is the 5th-generation mobile network, designed to connect everyone and every device, including IoT and machines. 5G technology is the emerging telecommunications network that can enhance the features of existing 4G networks, by means of its astounding applications as enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB), reliable air-latency communication and massive machine type communications. …
Personal Air Vehicle (PAV) is an under developing model of aircraft, designed and tested for on-demand aviation services, the way in which future transport would be.
World had laid its next step of advancement, ‘Quantum Computing’ or quantum computers, for optimal analysis of problems and situations to derive the best out of the possibilities, in adequately lesser amount of time. It’s been real now, the complex computations and moving the stumbling block by probing the best approach towards it. This blog …
Artificial Intelligence, first originated to proffer automation process, extends its hands to medical, education, stock-markets and now to art and sculptures. AI using algorithms for predicting the occurrences, is advantaged by artists, recreating the sculptures/statues by giving real faces to those historical beings. Two of the artists, Bas Uterwijk, a Dutch Photographer and designer and …
AI recreates ancient sculptures / statues: Artists’ works Read More »
In today’s world, it’s completely convenient & easy to set out everything, starting from finishing of tasks to checking out best cooking recipes, at the advent of internet. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the world is driven by internet. Thanks to it. But it’s actually disgusting or even frustrating, when your network goes down, unfavorably at extreme …
Drones can be simply uttered as “unmanned aircrafts, customed for aerial applications and able to navigate by means of remotely execution from ground”. Drones are nothing but upgraded version of unmanned aerial vehicles.
Technology and innovation are penetrating every sector in the world and upgrading the world to a more comfortable and easier version in affording the demands. The world now expects more innovations and creative ideas and values them higher. As we can see, the diffusion of internet in 1980s and 1990s pioneered the most of the …
5 Futuristic Innovations of everyday usable products that will Amaze you! Read More »
The future sees with immense enrichments and opportunities at the advent of climbing technology enhancements. In fact, can you believe that you and I too can experience ‘Jarvis’, like the way Ironman made for him? Well that’s an example of Augmented Reality and for your information, Apple lets it accessible to each of the being. …
Virtual Reality (VR) is a technology that creates a simulated interactive environment. It shows like a world or completely superficial environment, that involves the user completely into it, through sensors, unlike traditional user interfaces.
Swarm robotics are just group of robots performing the task employed, collaboratively and conjointly. The swarm robots are built in resemblance to the termite is the fact, interesting to get it informed about the field.
Cloud computing is the availability of resources that are delivered over the internet, which mainly include data storage (cloud storage) and computing power. The resources expand to databases, networking, servers and software. The idea is that, the databases if availed through a central server over a medium (internet) rather than through a proprietary hard drive, …
We are in the most developing and informative era of mankind, since its origin. Researches and journalists say, the world had seen a splendid uplift in the past 2 millenniums alone than ever. Technologies widen and the impossible has made possible now. This phase of the world has huge part towards automations and robotics. May …
As most people might have be known that Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. But we seldom think about the spark that emerged in Page that he itself might not have imagined would turn into a trillion-dollar company. To be forthright, its not just the spark, but the blaze it kindled and …
Artificial intelligence is an emerging technology wherein machines and systems are simulated or imparted human intelligence, for performing automatic assertions and achieving the task through natural intelligence.
As we all can see, the steep of the technology that it had taken since a decade is mesmerizing to adapt over fully. Just within a flash, technology and innovations had reached heights; that everyone must get updated with it to be acknowledged. Reports say that we hardly use the technology to its fullest. As …
Steve Jobs – Pioneer of Computer Revolution “Three Apples that Changed the World!” First, The Eve’s Apple(Fruit), mentioned in the Bible Genesis Chapter 3. Second, Apple (Fruit) that had fallen on Isaac Newton which made into the evolutionary concept of Gravity. Third, The APPLE Inc Company, founded by STEVE JOBS with his colleague in 1976. …
Engineering is that branch of science which widens its red carpet to the new innovations & inventions; although, nowadays engineers are underrated due to their inefficiency of performing. They are said to be the least paid under-graduate workers among others of the same qualification. But here is the story of an engineer, who made the …
Untold story of Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google & Alphabet Read More »
Blockchain – A Revolutionary Technology Welcome to the 3rd decade of 21st Century. As we all experience in our day to day life, the step of technology that it has taken is stretching along, towards the peak. Competitions between persons as in the case 20 years ago, now even technologies compete to exist in the …
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