Saudi Arabia is building a futuristic zero gravity vertical city called “NEOM” that comprises of vertically stacked parallel buildings called “The Line”.
Technology, designs, and architecture seeming to be implausible like in Marvel and Christopher Nolan movies are gradually taking its life now. May it be the underwater city – ocean spiral, artificial gravity buildings in moon and mars by Japan and now zero-gravity, vertical city aimed for launch at 2030 itself by Saudi Arabia.
Entailing the unavoidable climate-change, a futuristic way of living along parallel vertical buildings has incited in Saudi Arabia to build a zero-carbon city called NEOM. Upon fully constructed, NEOM will be the “world’s first zero-gravity vertical city” that will have “zero cars, zero pollution and zero carbon emissions”.
Zero Gravity, Vertical City – NEOM
NEOM comprises of a long-stretching piled up buildings running parallel to 170 km, called ‘The Line’. Introducing the designs of ‘The Line’, Saudi Arabia crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, who is the chairman of the NEOM board of directors, enunciated that The Line will be a “civilizational revolution that puts humans first, providing an unprecedented urban living experience”.
Tackling the challenges facing humanity in urban life of today, the city will “shine a light on alternative ways to live and create a model for nature preservation”.
The new city, a cosmopolitan centre will be a home to more than nine million people, Crown prince said, while speaking at an event in Jeddah showcasing the designs of ‘The Line’.
The Line Building
Vertically stacked city’s ‘The Line’ in congruence, comprises of two buildings which gonna be the world’s largest structures growing up to 500 meters in height and running 75 miles or 170km along the mountains near to the Red Sea stretching 200 meters wide.
The architectural marvel is housed within an elegant mirror facade and will allow people to commute from one end to another at 20 minutes maximum. Key amenities will be available within a five-minute walk. The segments of the Line will be readily accessible to the surrounding nature and plans to include vertical farming in it.
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“We cannot ignore the livability and environmental crises facing our world’s cities and NEOM is at the forefront of delivering new and imaginative solutions to address these issues. NEOM is leading a team of the brightest minds in architecture, engineering and construction to make the idea of building upwards a reality”, Prince quoted.
While he claims the project to be ready by 2030, engineers predict 50 years for successful completion.
Pictures of The Line…

(For more such interesting informational, technology and innovation stuffs, keep reading The Inner Detail).