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A Day in Future with Smart Contact Lens from Google, Mojo would be like

People have cultivated the habit of checking in their phones, every time the smartphone pops up for notifications. If you have experienced it, you may realize that habit bothers a lot while being productive in your works. Researchers also noticed this temptation of people to check their phones often & sparked, ‘What if notifications directly appear to our vision?’, so that we need not get hampered by that temptation.

This is what led to an innovative proposal, ‘Smart Contact Lens’. And a day in future, wearing those smart contact lenses would be so techy, it seems, when we experience the sayings of the reviewer, which the blog entails.

A Day with Smart Contact Lens

Big tech companies like Google, Apple, Mojo Vision are working in this realm, wanting to reduce our reliance on screens. Instead of pulling out your phone to check why it buzzed in the middle of a conversation, look to the corner of your eye to activate an interface that will tell you in a split second.

Following the wakening up session, you can also ask your lens to suggest you breakfast diet. Finishing your breakfast, the lens might intimate you if you had any reminders set for the day.

If you’re looking straight ahead while wearing the lens you won’t see anything visually disrupting. You just need to stare at a specific direction, where a peculiar function sits. For example, peek to a corner, you’ll see icons pop up, ranging from calendar, weather, reminders, music playback and more. Stare at an icon to expand it further to give you full details.

Stare at the music app, look for a song & the song plays in your phone. Cool!

Clearing out your reminders, meetings & other works, say you go for a jog. Times, where you used to check on your phone for how much distance you have jogged or how much calories you have burnt would soon be extinct, as you could just look for those at a corner of your sight. Not only for jogging, but also map, finding a place & lot more.

But Smart Contact Lens is not as easy as you think!

Making smart contact lenses is no simple task, though—even Alphabet’s Verily had to refocus its Smart Lens program after hitting a few snags. You need to have the right sensors at the right sizes, the power to make it all work, and a display and image sensor, too. These sensors range from custom wireless radios to motion sensors for eye tracking and image stabilization.

Read this: Google’s Upcoming Projects/Product

The contact lens made by Mojo Vision would include an embedded display, about the size of a grain, which the researchers say, “smallest, densest display ever will be made”.

For catering this much capabilities, you have to charge your lens.

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Companies working on Smart Contact lens

A handful of companies had started working on this field and to name a few, Sony, Google, Apple, Mojo Vision, Innovega Inc. and Samsung.

While, Sony had patented its lens in 2014, Mojo Vision have successfully prototyped its lens and Apple’s Smart Contact lens which is also equipping augmented reality, is aimed for launch in 2030.

Don’t skip this: Augmented Reality & Apple Glass.

The reason for the tech being a snail in deploying, points out to its clinical testing and FDA clearance which the companies must have to undergo besides the tech-development, as it directly involves with human eyes, ensuring safety.

Watch ‘What Mojo Vision’s Smart Contact Lens is all about!’, here.


As of now, it’s been possible to visually operate or do a task with these smart contact lens, confirmed by a reviewer from ‘Wired’. The lens works the same as mentioned above & he adds that, “Using only my eyes, I opened a prewritten speech, scrolled through it, and read it aloud. This app alone opens up a myriad of possibilities. Imagine sitting in a taped interview but, instead of looking at notes, you can pull up your next question with a flick of your eye without having to look down. Or if you’re filming a video, you may not need to shoot multiple takes because the script is in the dead center of your eye. Who needs teleprompters?”.

Future will further step ahead to make people do tasks just by thinking, which is what Elon Musk’s Neuralink scratches for.

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