Apple revenue breakdown by product category reveals that over half of its revenue – 52% comes from...
If you are looking for best smartphone under ₹ 25000, then you are in the right place. Amidst dozens...
Smartphone has enabled us to connect with people better – either by making friends in social media...
Ministry of Education of India reports the Top 10 Colleges in India under Engineering, Medical...
Starting businesses, expanding to country-wide and sustaining in it is not everyone’s cup of tea...
A US woman who is a Marketing manager and TikToker shared tips to use ChatGPT to crack job...
Indian Government launched a portal that allows people to block a stolen / lost mobile phone, so...
A lot of things happened since November 2022, after OpenAI’s ChatGPT got released. The most...
CBSE of India is planning to introduce artificial intelligence and Coding syllabus for classes 6 to...
Technological advancements will lead to change of 25% of jobs globally by 2027 and reskilling &...
A group of researchers are studying what sex in space will be like, for letting space tourists to...
Top CEO ‘s Salary From Highest Earning Elon Musk to Lowest Earning Warren Buffett…...
Advent of generative-AI technology had eased time consumption and enhanced productivity to a...
ChatGPT’s brilliance in its capability of conversing and generating content, had astounded people...
For the first time, researchers had put a macroscopic crystal consisting of 1016 atoms in quantum...