The Inner Detail

Artificial Intelligence

AI identifies the song you are hearing from your brainwaves

Songs & music have been a constant companion to mankind, pleasing, enchanting and even lessening the soul. Despacito & Gangnam style adds flavor to “Music has an unbreakable bond with the human brain”, though the meaning is unnoted. This bond is what encouraged researchers from Netherlands & India to experimentally design an AI that could …

AI identifies the song you are hearing from your brainwaves Read More »

Robots are becoming Smart enough to Read & Understand Human Emotions & respond accordingly

A firm is working on incorporating AI to robots to make them read and understand human emotions and respond to them appropriately, bridging the gap between humans and robots. Robots are intruding into fields, being an assistant or companion to mankind, wherein its potential is hugely acquired into the possible use cases such as robots …

Robots are becoming Smart enough to Read & Understand Human Emotions & respond accordingly Read More »

Selfies Could be used to detect heart disease: AI study reveals

The medical field welcomes new innovations and inventions to uplift the diagnosis, treatment and effectiveness, with robotic surgeries and diagnosis through modern methods of science and technology, as an ultimatum to assist doctors and officials. In the flow, there reveals that selfies could be used to detect heart disease, from a recent study of European …

Selfies Could be used to detect heart disease: AI study reveals Read More »

World needs to be Artificial: From food, love to dreams!

Starting from your toothbrush in the morning, to the bed you put your body on at night, everything around you is now artificial / human-made. Human-made products have been serving a great purpose for the wellbeing of humankind so far, but the advent of exploiting technology into human’s life is exponentially increasing, that it might …

World needs to be Artificial: From food, love to dreams! Read More »

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