For all the ChatGPT users out there struggling to get better answers in one-go, here is a list of all the top-best ChatGPT prompts that will make the AI to deliver apt answers for your questions.
OpenAI’s ChatGPT is touted for its intelligent replies for all your queries and prompts, making the AI more efficient and useful. However, there are times where we need to argue with the AI for getting the answer as we expected. ChatGPT may not blindly understand what we expect just by normal queries, but can do if you master it with some keyword prompts.
As artificial intelligence has become part of our day-to-day life, it’s important to learn how to use it effectively to be ahead of others who don’t use it or who use it moderately.
7 Best ChatGPT Prompts
1. Use ‘First Principles Thinking’ to solve complex problems
First Principles thinking is a mental model that helps you break down any issue to its fundamental building blocks and then rebuild it, often leading to fresh and creative new solutions and ideas. This model is used to understand complex algorithms or problems in the simplest way by starting from its core.
So, when you are asking ChatGPT to help you understand any complex topic, you can use “First principles thinking framework” in the prompt for the AI to give most appealing answer.
Example prompt: I can’t understand ‘quantum computing’. Help me understand it better by using First Principles Thinking model.
2. ‘5 Whys’ to find the root cause of the problem
The ‘5 Whys’ is a simple process of asking a series of ‘Why?’ questions to narrow it down to find the root-cause or the fundamental answer, just like the inquisitive nature of a child.
You start with a basic question of why something is the way it is, and then re-ask “Why?” to each response. This will get you an answer which you didn’t expect, but makes more sense to you.
You can also try using this to understand the feelings and emotions you go through in your life. I asked ChatGPT a series of ‘Whys’ for this question: “What will happen if we over-love a person?”
The conversation went like this:

3. Be specific and provide context
When large language models like GPT is prompted with something, it tends to generate content from all the details it’s been fed which sometimes be so generic or lengthy or not the one you expected.
When you start a conversation with ChatGPT, try to mention exactly what you want, how much you want and why you want. By including these details, ChatGPT will sketch the reply that looks good apparently.
Example prompt: In my company, HRs doesn’t allow flexible working mode (hybrid), asking all the employees to work from office all five days in a week. This hinders the work-life balance for employees. So, write me a mail addressing the work-life balance issues in a company, requesting the HR to accept flexible schedules. The mail content should not be more than three paragraphs and make it crisper and more precise.
Here the first three sentences answer ‘Why you want’ part, the penultimate sentence answers ‘What you want’ and the last sentence answers ‘How much you want’ part.
You can also mention if you want the answer as key-points or as paragraphs.
4. Role-playing with AI
One of the coolest features of ChatGPT is that it can write from the point of view of any specific person or profession. The AI can take any roles and explain the topic or problem from their perspective.
AI assuming roles can help the user to grasp the topic better and to have different perspectives to the same problem / topic. Role playing also assist users in delving deep into the domain they want.
Example prompt: Explain climate change from the PoV of plastic manufacturer.
Roleplay can also work in the other way. Say, if you have to comprehend a topic that’s completely out of your domain and you don’t understand even the basics of that topic, you can ask ChatGPT to take the role that’s related to your domain and compare the problem with your domain’s elements and explain it as your mentor would.
Example prompt: Take a role of doctor and explain how camera works in a simple way, comparing it with anything in medical field.
5. Different chats – different purposes
ChatGPT is capable of handling criteria and conditions that’s customed to users’ needs on different chats. And the AI remembers the queries and criteria in a chat unless you ask it to not consider.
This helps you to get quick and apt answers based on where you want to apply (or copy-paste) the answer. Say for example, you can open a chat and instruct the AI to provide answers only in “one sentence” or “one word” throughout that chat. Similarly, you can open a new one, instructing it to provide answers as key points, or less than 100 words or as an essay.
Creating multiple chats in this way helps to answer objective-type questions easily, for example. (Might be helpful for students, Thank me later)
6. Get answers in tabular form
ChatGPT can give you responses in the form of a table if you ask. This is particularly helpful for getting information or creative ideas. For example, you could tabulate meal ideas and ingredients, or game ideas and equipment, or the days of the week and how they’re said in a few different languages.
Using follow-up prompts and natural language, you can have ChatGPT make changes to the tables it has drawn and even produce the tables in a standard format that can be understood by another program (such as Microsoft Excel).
7. ChatGPT can create PPT-files
Those who are unaware, ChatGPT not just generates, but also creates PPT files with the content you want. Just give-in the topic, context and tell it to create a PPT file. Also mention, where you want to present that file, so that it chooses words accordingly.
However, the PPT file created will be in the basic form, for which you need to change theme, fonts and other stuffs to stylize the PPT.
Remember this, when you are in the verge of submission due, especially for students.
(For more such interesting informational, technology and innovation stuffs, keep reading The Inner Detail).
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