Whenever we’ve thought about the future of this world, one thing has always been a part of our imaginations – flying cars. And while there are several startups working on them, none are being used as commonly as we’d want them to. And they all come from either US or European countries. But for the first time in Asia, India attempts in making the next level of transportation – flying cars, developed by a Chennai-based startup.
Though Bangalore refers to be the ‘tech-hub’ of India, Flying Cars have emerged from Chennai based startup Vinata Aeromobility, which assigns itself for developing fully autonomous Hybrid Flying Cars.
Vinata Aeromobility

India’s first ever Flying Car concept developed by Vinata Aeromobility, Chennai-based startup, which has its founder and CEO Yogesh Ramanathan, the man behind the startup, from Chennai, Dr. A.E. Muthunayagam, a leading Space Scientist in ISRO, as the Principal Advisor and Dawn Zoldi, a 28-yr Experienced Air Force Veteran from USA as UAM (Urban Air Mobility) Advisor.
About the Flying Car – Vinata
Vinata’s flying vehicle seems to be like a car atop a drone with a quad-copter and is fully autonomous using AI to take its passengers from one place to another. The flying car is capable of Vertical take-off and landing using its coaxial quad-rotor. It weighs a total of 1,100 kilograms and can fly with up to 1,300 kilograms.
Vinata is capable of flying at a speed of 100-120 kilometres per hour, carrying two passengers to the maximum. 60 minutes becomes its maximum flight time with flying height at 3,000 feet.

The rotors would be powered using an electric battery while on the streets, the car would be powered using biofuel. Inside the car, the cabin gets luxurious seating with a panoramic window canopy, offering a 360-degree view.
Unveiling the concept for the vehicle, Civil Aviation Minister of India, Jyotiraditya Scindia said in a statement, “Delighted to have been introduced to the concept model of the soon-to-become Asia’s First Hybrid flying car by the young team of Vinata AeroMobility. Once this takes off, flying cars would be used for transporting people & cargo, as well as for providing medical emergency services”.
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Vinata was first revealed at one of the most popular aviation exhibitions – Excel, in London on October 5, 2021.
Wouldn’t be so cool, to have a Flying Car made in our own country? (India is) Indians are developing!