Smartphones are being updated at a zip, far speeder than humans nowadays. But did you know what your smartphone is fully capable of? Most of us don’t, including me unless writing this blog. Your smartphones do stuffs, replacing many tools and things. All you have to know is just ‘know’.
Here we go,
10 Best Things You Can Do With Your Smartphone!
Tools: Compass, Barometer & Measuring Tape
Smartphones has a handful of sensors in its gills, such as accelerometer, compass, proximity light sensor, barometer and even a gyroscope. The sensors inadvertently function on your day-to-day mobile usages and is unnoticed, since they can’t be touched openly. Well, there are apps letting you to replace the stuffs like compass, measuring tape and weather reporter.
Compass apps like ‘Digital Compass’, measuring the lengths and breadths with Google’s ‘Measure’ (Augmented Reality measuring app) and numerous weather reporting apps pays justice to the topic.
It’s not totally relying on smartphones, but to bear in mind that there’s always a backup.
Routines with Google Assistant
Google Assistant aids you as an all-time companion notifying on your healthy make-doing reminders like ‘Have a Cup of Water’, ‘Take a rest from your stuff’ kind of hints recurrently. In fact, you can adjust your settings on your preference of timings and schedules.
Just go to: Google Assistant >> Tap on your Account (Profile Picture of Google Account) >> Visually Search for ‘Routines’ & Explore it.

Using Shortcuts via Google Assistant
Google Assistant makes it easier to perform tasks or stuffs by enabling shortcuts. Who don’t love shortcuts? Conventionally, assistant obeys only to open the apps & not straight to the do. However, you can create shortcuts with your google assistant to get done with the to-do things, beeline and short. “Send mail” to directly switch over to composing section of Gmail, “Write a post” to create a post in Instagram or “Share Location” to share your live location instantly, are some to list though.
Open Google Assistant, tap on your account and find ‘Shortcuts’ in ‘All Settings’ session and suck the best out of it.
Nicknames to your Contacts
It’s really fun, calling your friends or family with nicknames. And you can let Google to know their nicknames, for the purpose of making calls or messages easier and funnier. For instance, saying “Call Appa/Papa”, Google would make your call to your father, whom you had assigned for it.
To seek it, call google and say “XXX (Your father’s name in your contact) is my Appa/Papa”. Then and after, google will call your father, at voices of “Call Appa”. Make fun by assigning crazy names to your best-friends.
Barcode Scanner
Your android smartphone has a camera at the back which you use to take photos of your food to post online. It can be used for much loftier and productive purposes as well.You can use the rear camera as a barcode scanner and document scanner easily by using apps such as ‘Barcode scanner’ for the former and ‘CamScanner’ for the latter’.

Apart from these, there are a plethora of apps on the Google Play store which can be used for the same.
Google Fit
Google Fit is a health-tracking platform developed by Google for the Android operating system, Wear OS and Apple Inc.’s IOS.

Use Google Fit to monitor your steps, calorie burnings, and healthy tips that you can do with yourself. It will cover your distance of walk or jog and calibrates your calorie firings. Stay Fit with Google Fit!
Make Your Android Faster
It’s that animations reasoning to drag your smartphone speed. Indeed, happening just for a fraction of a second, it’s annoying at times, when we really need a quick run on the phone. Here’s how to get rid of those animations in your android.
- Go to Settings
- Click on About Info & then Software Information
- Click on Build Number 7 Times
- Pat yourself on the back, as you’re now a developer!
- There will be a new option called Developer Settings in the Setting Menu.
- Search for the “Drawing category” and set the following options to 0.5x – ‘Window Animations Scale’, ‘Transition Animations Scale’ and ‘Animator Duration Scale’
Good work! 🙂

Todoist is a task management tool that promises to turn complex to-do lists into something easily manageable. You can create and organise tasks, set and change deadlines, prioritise tasks, set project goals and keep track of progress with the apps measurement and reporting features. Get the most important things done first by prioritising tasks and track your progress with it’s measurement and reporting feature.A great productive app for tasking!
Do you get sick of handling your smartphone all the time? Well, here’s an interesting app “Forest”, which helps you to put down your phone and focus on what’s more important in life, in a fun-loaded way. Forest sets a timer in your phone, whenever you feel to stay involved with off-phone works and builds a tree in the next 30 mins as a reward for your concern on works. Likely, you can build a forest!

Not just that. Forest team partners with a real-tree-planting organization, Trees for the Future, to plant real trees on the earth. When our users spend virtual coins, they earn in Forest on planting real trees, Forest team donates our partner and create orders of planting. That’s cool!
Clean up your Gallery Often
Many of us won’t prefer to manage the storage in the gallery. Thanks to 64 GB, 128 GB & 256 GB smartphones. Although, often or at most times, galleries are stuffed with worthless whatsapp forwards, unnecessary captures and so on, which is really a garbage. Have your time, once in a week to clean up your memory, just to add more valuable images and videos in future.

I do that! It’s good & suggest you to do the same.
Scientists say, we humans spend only 7% of all our total powers in our real life. (Some doesn’t spend that much though). This piece of note applies to all areas, where hardly concern to explore things. NASA’s Satellite back on the years of 1900s is less powerful than your hand-sized Smartphones. If you know, you know! Explore!
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