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NASA plans for constructing an Oxygen Pipeline in Moon’s South Pole – Here is Why

NASA considers laying an oxygen pipeline in Moon, in its South pole to distribute oxygen around the lunar surfaces to help astronauts to work freely on the lunar surface. Exploration of space runs on full swing with numerous concepts and works been carried on for an ultimate discovery of a possible clone of earth to …

NASA plans for constructing an Oxygen Pipeline in Moon’s South Pole – Here is Why Read More »

Your Smartphone is more powerful than the Perseverance Rover that touched Mars recently

If you think the Perseverance rover, that grasped a world-wide attention after landing on the hot planet, is powerful than your latest smartphone, rethink your thoughts! Perseverance rover, which happens to be the NASA’s most powerful machine ever sent to other planet, costing $2.4billion to build, is far lower than the performance of your Smartphones, …

Your Smartphone is more powerful than the Perseverance Rover that touched Mars recently Read More »

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