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Death Clock AI app

This new AI-powered ‘Death-Clock’ app predicts your Death-date

A new AI-powered app called “Death Clock” is making waves, claiming to predict your death date based on your lifestyle choices. The rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) are revolutionizing industries worldwide, and its potential to shape our future is becoming increasingly apparent. AI is being used to predict everything from health outcomes to financial …

This new AI-powered ‘Death-Clock’ app predicts your Death-date Read More »

communicate in dreams

For the first time, Communicating in Dream is made possible – Check how

In one of the breakthroughs, a startup company was able to actualize the Inception scene, by making two people communicate in their dreams. It’s not a sci-fi movie, but a reality that has been achieved by a U.S based startup “REMspace”. Modern day technologies have been justifying the quote “if you can dream it, you …

For the first time, Communicating in Dream is made possible – Check how Read More »

Robotic Surgeon

China develops AI-powered Robot “MicroNeuro” for Brain Surgery

China’s Centre of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (CAIR) plans to launch an AI-powered robotic system for complex minimally invasive brain surgeries. Technology has leveraged the medical field substantially. Whether it might be AI or robots, both pose equal potentialities in medical domain, starting from AI chatbot by Google for health-related queries to surgical robots for …

China develops AI-powered Robot “MicroNeuro” for Brain Surgery Read More »

Da Vinci robot for endometriosis

UK deploys Robotic Surgeons for Endometriosis surgery on Women

A hospital in London use Robotic surgeons for performing complex endometriosis surgeries on women, that now breaks record by being most successful and time-efficient, than traditional surgeries. Robotic surgical system is rapidly increasing in hospitals, performing intricate surgeries with very small incisions and better magnification. Also called as robot-assisted surgery, the surgeons rely on a …

UK deploys Robotic Surgeons for Endometriosis surgery on Women Read More »

eTattoo for monitoring heart

Scientists made an E-Tattoo that monitors your heart & detects heart diseases in advance

Researchers recently pioneered a E-tattoo that’s worn on the chest of a person, for uninterrupted monitoring of the heart for detecting heart diseases beforehand. Medical innovations and diagnostic methods have increased in recent years, with technology assisting the progress. Likely as Apple Watch now saving lives by reading ECG from your wrist, and reporting of …

Scientists made an E-Tattoo that monitors your heart & detects heart diseases in advance Read More »

brain chip implant

This firm has already implanted Brain Chips in 50 Humans, beating Musk’s NeuraLink

Blackrock Neurotech firm in US has implanted brain-chips in over 50 people for curing physical disability, and various ailments including depression. Implanting brain chips on to human brains for reading the brain-signals and performing actions by just a thought from the brain is the answer for ‘how far can technology go in being fruitful?’. Imagine …

This firm has already implanted Brain Chips in 50 Humans, beating Musk’s NeuraLink Read More »

Humans will be immortal by 2030 with help of this technology: Former Google Scientist

A former Google Engineer and a futurist had claimed that humans will be immortal by 2030, enabling to live forever, as technology will help us to. Scientists and researchers are working for the clue of life, maneuvering the existence – time, making humans to live longer or be immortal, living forever. Over years, mankind has …

Humans will be immortal by 2030 with help of this technology: Former Google Scientist Read More »

Can Money buy Happiness? What this World’s Longest Study says?

People have been voracious about making money for years, seeking high paying jobs, insatiate in business and hunting for ways to seem lucrative in the society. Although, for generations, people are incertitude about a popular question that ‘if money can buy happiness?’ Researchers are baffling to find a period to this question and many studies …

Can Money buy Happiness? What this World’s Longest Study says? Read More »

This new Smart Necklace “SmokeMon” helps you to Stop Smoking

Things are getting smart and crazy enough with some potentially helping people in day-to-day lives. Likely as smart tattoos, smart underwear, and other smart techs, here is a smart necklace that helps smokers to get rid of the habit. The deadly smoking habit had affected millions causing cancer, heart disease, diabetes and more, all for …

This new Smart Necklace “SmokeMon” helps you to Stop Smoking Read More »

Researchers use Avatar’s Motion Capture AI Tech to track Rare Diseases

Avatar’s Motion Capture AI Technology that’s used to capture the movements and emotions of actors is now used in medical field too to track and diagnose rare diseases, researchers say. Representing people’s lives either as reality or as dreamy elements is what movies and cinemas have been doing for long years. Directors taking inspiration from …

Researchers use Avatar’s Motion Capture AI Tech to track Rare Diseases Read More »

Apple Watch’s Health Features that Made Doctors to Prescribe them to Patients

The new technological brilliance that emerged in 21st century is smart-watches. Accept it or not, smart-watches are proven to be technically and medically useful for humans for its wide-variety of health-monitoring features. And here, major credits goes to Apple’s iWatch, for including innovative health assist features in its smart-watch that had saved many people, irrespective …

Apple Watch’s Health Features that Made Doctors to Prescribe them to Patients Read More »

Scientists create World’s First ‘Vagina on a Chip’ to treat bacterial diseases of Vagina

Advancements in science & technology has allowed researchers to replicate complex bodily functions like human heart, limbs, bone marrow and even delicate organs like ‘eye’ to reconcile the transplants. The track has left the world here to have first-in-the-world ‘Vagina on a chip’ that takes the duty of a vaginal area to combat bacterial diseases …

Scientists create World’s First ‘Vagina on a Chip’ to treat bacterial diseases of Vagina Read More »

Smartphone Over-Usage leads to Poor Cognitive Thinking, Loss of Self-Control and Worse Psychological Well-Being

A recent study on smartphone addiction in humans disclosed that people with excessive smartphone usage have lower cognitive abilities and self-control and show worse psychological well-being. Smartphones are 21st generation’s colossal advantage because of its various useful features in easing the day-to-day life. Ever since the first Apple iPhone was introduced by Steve Jobs in …

Smartphone Over-Usage leads to Poor Cognitive Thinking, Loss of Self-Control and Worse Psychological Well-Being Read More »

Spending more time in Social Media increases Depression Risks for Youngsters

Social media has been a tool for many to bridge the connections, a platform to blend relationships and a clouded home to stay in touch with friends and family, atleast by sharing memes. The so-kind of place besides serve also as an escape-world, where people spend their time when they feel bored or nothing to …

Spending more time in Social Media increases Depression Risks for Youngsters Read More »

Life actually Flashes before our Eyes before we die – New Study reveals

There exist mysteries about what would happen after we die and also have been talks for a prolonged time, that there are pathways to heaven and hell wholly decided by one’s rectitude and sins; and also, whole life flashes in moments before your eyes before you die. While still existential proofs / study ceased to …

Life actually Flashes before our Eyes before we die – New Study reveals Read More »

Why Researchers are looking into London Taxi Driver’s Brain for clues to Alzheimer’s Disease?

It’s usual that Researchers / surveying people used to analyze a set of people to study on the thesis / any new project. Like how, a professor of cognitive neuroscience had chosen Taxi Driver’s of London to scrutinize their brains in hope of getting some answers against the ravages of a disease like Alzheimer’s. Though, …

Why Researchers are looking into London Taxi Driver’s Brain for clues to Alzheimer’s Disease? Read More »

Meet Sarah, Patient with Severe Depression who got Successfully Treated with Brain Implant

While World marches for being more and more virtual and digital, people are failing to make physical connections with the fellow beings and somehow it flatters to be one of the reasons for clinical depression, in my opinion. Clinical depression is a serious medical condition that negatively affects how a person feels, thinks, and acts, …

Meet Sarah, Patient with Severe Depression who got Successfully Treated with Brain Implant Read More »

Get Vaccinated & take home $100: US’ new plan to make people Covid-19 vaccinated

2020 Pandemic had shaken the world to the worst in a century, extending to 2021 too, and lockdown still prevails in countries, enabling work-people to wake up @8.55am to login @9am (so called workfromhome). Fun apart, the times were tragic with 43.1 lakh demises. However, the onset of COVID19 vaccines successfully did its duty, saving …

Get Vaccinated & take home $100: US’ new plan to make people Covid-19 vaccinated Read More »