Everyone loves memories, to get into the past & feel nostalgic of the evergreen tickling moments of our life. And ‘Photography’ is a tool for giving life to memories. Indeed, it enchants people to thank & feel blissful for their past. Advancing more, photography is now a trending fashion to ensure value to a product or moment. You find it eye-catching; you click it! Thus, photographers encourage every minor detail in their life! Kudos to them!
You too can pretend being a professional photographer, starting by these few tips. Continue reading!
Most Needed Photography Tips to click a Picture alluringly
Dos: Collectivity starts from basics. For a clean picture, first of all, one needs to clean the lenses for crystal clear photos. It sounds simple, but we forget it often. Try to be still with your subject and embrace gridlines for stability of the picture.

Don’ts: Never zoom your focus, which reduces the pixels and show a humdrum portrait. Prefer less for flashes.
The most important aspect of clicking professionally is to render a story or value to the picture, besides being attractive. A story? Yeah, literally. Picture must depict a central theme, to get mesmerized.
Lighting & Exposures
It’s all about lights. Well-versed can turn a boring place or face to be inviting, using lights. For an instant clicking, you need not put up on lighting wants, but have preferences to the nature light, while snapping and also to exposure controls on your phone. Adjust it, for high probable photo.
Focusing the Camera
The second simple thing you leave your photography noticeable, is ‘focusing’ on the subject. Focus adds more detail to the area, that wants to be highlighted and fix the area in the foreground of your frame. To focus that area, tap on it, on the screen and your phone camera does justice.
Don’t put aside the focus, next time you click a picture!

Focus on One Subject – Negative Space
This may seem simple, but not actually the scenic happens to be. While, trying to capture, the subject shouldn’t fill out your entire frame. A one-third is ample, and photography calls it ‘rule of thirds’. Gridlines may help you fix the subject, in the aspect. There should be negative-spaces in your picture, that literally means of empty space around the motif. Doing so, incites the value of your subject to be focused and stand out of the pic. Again, set your camera’s focus on the subject.
A best photography is a depiction how you look into the world. Your Perspective. Figure out as many as different perspectives of your front, experiment the pictures & pick the best out of it. Bend or extend or climb on to an elevation to find the interesting perspective.
Flicking with Reflections
Reflections on the surface of water, glasses, or any smooth and sleeky surfaces and take advantage out of it, to discover a different perspective. Reflections concedes your picture, to be goggled. Rotating your phone to 1800, and fixing the reflection as your subject is a nominal trick of playing with reflections.
Discover Patterns
Have an eye on odd patterns like symmetry, repetitive and abstract patterns to make your clicks out of the box. Patterns inspire people to watch it for extra seconds. Patterns, for instance may be symmetrical windows, roads, repetitive structures and also something crazy and unusual. Just collide your perspectives, encourage negative space while shooting with patterns.
Snapping photos with simple spell and gratifying the subject within the spell, is a photographer’s virtue. Make your photos as simple as possible with as much details on the focus. Beauty lies in simplicity.

Leading Lines
Leading lines are anything that narrows or broadens along the photograph. May it be roads, bridges, pathways, trees, steps and so on, leading lines create an attractive visual at any means. Make use of it!
“Learning and reading gets valued only when it’s applied“. Likewise, put these things on your head next time of capturing the moment!
Smile, Please! 🙂
- https://iphonephotographyschool.com
- https://iso.500px.com/35-mobile-photography-tips-thatll-help-you-take-incredible-smartphone-shots/
- https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/good-pictures-phone-tips
- https://digital-photography-school.com/how-to-use-a-camera-phone/