World functions because of Engineers, if you agree it or not. Starting from your little hand-device Smartphones, the house you live, vehicles you used to travel, information you get from internet & media, engineers are credited either directly or indirectly to the convenient & efficient functioning of the world. The knowledge they acquire considers lesser than the skills they possess, nowadays. Thanks to the final year project assessments, which helps to grow their skills & teamwork.
In the aspect, choosing final year engineering projects & working on it are more crucial for the life of engineers. However, it’s not that easy to just select the most fitting topic matching worthiness and having a good scope in the future world. If you feel the same, here is our handful suggestions of engineering project topics on the major branches of the field, that would be helpful to you.
Mechanical based Projects

Auto Speed Reducing Vehicle at Contained zones
Modern world let the automobiles to rush off like a jet and accidents are the fated enclosures of extreme accelerations of those automobiles. Nearly 151,000 fatalities in India are due to road accidents. Hence there is an immediate need for reducing this data, by coming out with an idea of automatic speed-reducing vehicle at the accident-prone zones or contained zones.
The idea has been already in development and you can come out with your own suggestion & implementing strategy.
To take reference of the idea, here are some of the reference links:
Vehicle Accident Informing system
Vehicle Accident informing system is just an automatic info teller mechanism to the emergency services & driver’s frequent call list person, when the vehicle is subjected to accident. The message can either be sent as an SMS or directed calls to the emergency people. It works like the assistance-seeking function in Rolls Royce. It’s simple but a demanding idea to be implemented in every vehicle.
Here is a research paper on the topic.
Solar Flexible Mountings
Solar panels are installed in a fixed direction, that can’t be maneuvered after installation. This fixed structure gets a high intensified solar radiation only on a specific period of time in a day. What if, the panels were able to manipulate themselves according to the direction of sun, thereby receiving the best radiation all the day. That’s a simple idea of ‘Solar Flexible Mountings’.
The project has more scope, as it could increase the solar efficiency of the panels & the field too, in some cases.
Airbags for Two-wheelers
Airbags are quite essential for two-wheelers too. But the market hasn’t focussed on it is a deceiving one. Let us focus on. A concerning barrier of airbags in two wheelers is that the driver wouldn’t be close to the vehicle, after major accidents. Hence the airbag should sufficiently lock the driver with the vehicle, besides the bulging of bags. Think about it & drop your comments, if any of the ways strike your mind.
Solar Hybrid Panel
This explains a kind of collaborating solar cells and concentrated solar collector together. Hybrid Panel idea of connecting both the ways of harvesting solar energy, just by concentrating the solar radiation to the solar cells would seem a great impact in the efficiency of the solar panels.
You can find plenty of mechanical topics by clicking here!
Electronics based Projects

Liquid Level Indicator & Control
Water in the overhead tanks or any other liquids employed in industries often exceeds or lacks, until noticed. Getting a system for automatic control of liquid levels in tanks using 8051 microcontrollers or any other sensors will be worthwhile in many aspects. The target fixings can be in homes, offices, industries and many more places.
Automatic Railway Gate
This is simple but effective idea to just open and close the railway gates, at the event of train-crossings. The project can be beneficial, as it is a one-time investment, made on a crossing, rather than employing a guard on the intersection.
Contactless Digital Tachometers
Contactless digital tachometers, as the name explains, employs contactless measuring of speeds of rotary objects in a digital screen.You can find more about it, by clicking here!
Solar Battery Chargers
Solar battery charges save you power & is more helpful for campers, trekkers & hikers. Here is some Solar battery related project guidance
IoT based Control room for Industries
Its often seem rushing on to a machine, on frequent intervals either to manipulate it. IoT has prescribed its feature to be employed in industries too, leading to Industry 4.0. The main idea implying is that of controlling the machines and maneuvering its capabilities from a remote place, through a user-interface system incorporating IoT.
Other IoT projects
IoT projects like automatic switching on and off of lights, fans and other electronic devices welcomes a great demand in this sophisticated world.
Click here for more electronic based projects.
Civil based Projects

Laser Surveying
A laser scan survey is a fast and accurate way of capturing the spatial detail of an existing building in 3D. Surveyors use high tech HD laser scanners to capture this information.
Construction design teams use laser scanning surveys to capture the precise geometric data for their project models, which once created can be used to facilitate the BIM process.
You can take a reference here!
Noise Barrier cum Solar installation
USA had implemented noise barriers on a side of highways while laying inclined installation of solar panels along the roads simultaneously. The project started recently and has great scope to be extended worldwide. Solar panels light the highway lamps and also felicitates for noise barrier’s working too. Take reference here!
Causes & Prevention of Cracks in buildings
Cracks in buildings is an evitable one and methodological managing of those cracks has always imparted a need in the construction industry. Take a look on these.
Remote Sensing & GIS
Remote sensing provides us with a continuous and constant source of information about the Earth, and geographic information systems (GIS) are a methodology for handling all of this geographic data. The marriage of the two disciplines has allowed us to carry out large scale analyses of the Earth’s surface and, at the same time, provide increasingly detailed knowledge on many planetary variables and improve our understanding of its functioning. These analyses are essential for decision-making on the sustainable management of natural resources, designing networks of protected areas, and addressing the threats of global change.
You can look here for more civil projects.
IT based projects
Intelligent Car-Transportation
Proposed IntelliCarTS (Intelligent Car Transport System), a Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) anti-collision mechanism that determines, estimates and absolves collision courses between two or more vehicles based on a correlative and cooperative wireless networking concept.
Hospital Administration System
A system that enables both hospitals to manage its patients reports and patients to access their records achieves the need of efficient Hospital Administration, making it a readily accessible one. This project is the underlying idea, on the inconveniences and mis information dealt by both the users, patients and hospital officials. You can view more IT projects here!
Video over Variable Bandwidth
Internet today is a best-effort network, with time-varying bandwith characteristics. A system for multicasting video over the internet has to deal with heterogeneity of the receiver’s capability and / or requirements. So adaptive mechanisms are needed.Real-time multimedia traffic places a number of constraints on the network. Conventionally multi-layered transmission of data is preferred to solve the problem of varying bandwidth in multimedia multicast application. In today’s scenario majority of the flows are highly bandwidth consuming and are bursty in nature.
Distributed data mining in Credit card Fraud Detection
Credit card usages and purchases had been steadily increasing over the years, taking a considerable amount of share in the US payment system. Perhaps, the fraudulences of credit cards, as stolen account numbers and misleading the cards also had seen an increase. Fraud detection of online payments infers a great need to manage the smooth functioning of e-transactions.
Large-scale data-mining techniques can improve on the state of the art in commercial practice. Scalable techniques to analyze massive amounts of transaction data that efficiently compute fraud detectors in a timely manner is an important problem, especially for e-commerce. Besides scalability and efficiency, the fraud-detection task exhibits technical problems that include skewed distributions of training data and non-uniform cost per error, both of which have not been widely studied in the knowledge-discovery and datamining community.
While looking on for a topic, it’s better seeking problems in your realm rather to heading straight of searching topics. A good problem needs a solution & hence the project maybe prone to high demand.
Perhaps, I myself feel of not having plenty of topics in the article, but I hope this might have given you an idea of approaching to the topics. Here are some websites wholly dedicated for engineering projects.